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Short Items written by Robert Neville

This listing of shorter writings includes Short Reviews and Forewords.

Short Reviews

  1. Dakin, A. H., Paul Elmer More, Review of Metaphysics, 14/3 (March 1961).
  2. Das, A. C., A Modern Incarnation of God, Review of Metaphysics, 14/3 (March 1961).
  3. Kant, I., Education, Review of Metaphysics, 14/3 (March 1961).
  4. Cohen, F. S., The Legal Conscience, Review of Metaphysics, 14/4 (June 1961).
  5. Das, A. C., Sri Aurobindo and Some Modern Problems, Review of Metaphysics, 14/4 (June 1961).
  6. Lyon, O. M., Quiet Strength from World Religions, Review of Metaphysics, 14/4 (June 1961).
  7. Morgenstern, I., The Dimensional Structure of Time: and The Drama Its Timing, Review of Metaphysics, 14/4 (June 1961).
  8. Swihart, A. K., Luther and the Lutheran Church, 1493-1960, Review of Metaphysics, 14/4 (June 1961).
  9. Brumbaugh, Robert S., Plato On the One, Review of Metaphysics, 15/1 (September 1961).
  10. Harris, H. S., The Social Philosophy of Giovanni Gentile, Review of Metaphysics, 15/1 (September 1961).
  11. Hill, T. E., Contemporary Theories of Knowledge, Review of Metaphysics, 15/1 (September 1961).
  12. Adler, J., Philosophy of Judaism, Review of Metaphysics, 15/2 (December 1961).
  13. Cassirer, E., The Logic of the Humanities, Review of Metaphysics, 15/2 (December 1961).
  14. Baumer, F. L., Religion and the Rise of Scepticism, Review of Metaphysics, 15/3 (March 1962).
  15. Blanshard, B., Reason and Goodness, Review of Metaphysics, 15/3 (March 1962).
  16. Myers, H. M., Systematic Pluralism, Review of Metaphysics, 15/3 (March 1962).
  17. Orsini, G. N. G., Benedetto Croce, Review of Metaphysics, 15/3 (March 1962).
  18. Lieb, I. C. Experience, Existence and the Good, Review of Metaphysics, 15/3 (March 1962).
  19. Meyers, G. E. ed., Self, Religion and Metaphysics, Review of Metaphysics, 15/3 (March 1962).
  20. Hartshorne, C., The Logic of Perfection and Other Essays in Neoclassical Metaphysics, Review of Metaphysics, 16/1 (September 1962).
  21. Newlin, C. N., Philosophy and Religion in Colonial America, Review of Metaphysics, 16/1 (September 1962).
  22. O'Meara, J., Charter of Christendom, Review of Metaphysics, 16/1 (September 1962).
  23. Bainton, R. H., Early and Medieval Christianity, Review of Metaphysics, 16/2 (December 1962).
  24. Blanshard, B., Reason and Analysis, Review of Metaphysics, 16/2 (December 1962).
  25. Dobzhansky, T., Mankind Evolving, Review of Metaphysics, 16/2 (December 1962).
  26. Duns Scotus, Philosophical Writings, A. Wolter, ed., Review of Metaphysics, 16/2 (December 1962).
  27. Heidegger, N., Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics, Review of Metaphysics, 16/2 (December 1962).
  28. Randall, J. H., Jr., The Career of Philosophy from the Middle Ages to the Enlightenment, Review of Metaphysics, 16/2 (December 1962).
  29. Walker, G. S. M., The Growing Storm, Sketches of Church History from A.D. 600 to A.D. 1350, Review of Metaphysics, 16/2 (December 1962).
  30. Bonhoeffer, D., Act and Being, The Review of Metaphysics, 16/4 (June 1963).
  31. Hallett, H. F., Creation, Emanation and Salvation: A Spinozistic Study, Review of Metaphysics, 16/4 (June 1963).
  32. Lichtenstein, A., Henry More, Review of Metaphysics, 16/4 (June 1963).
  33. Reck, A. J., Recent American Philosophy: Studies of Ten Representative Thinkers, Yale Review, 54/2 (Winter 1965).
  34. Skinner, J. E., Self and World: The Religious Philosophy of Richard Kroner, Union Seminary Quarterly Review, 19/3 (Winter 1965).
  35. Bernstein, R. J., ed., Perspectives on Peirce, Thought, (Spring, 1966).
  36. Beardslee, W. A., America and the Future of Theology, Christian Advocate, 11/13 (13 July 1967).
  37. Hartt, J. N., A Christian Critique of American Culture, Catholic World, 205 (September 1967).
  38. Schleiermacher, F., Christmas Eve: Dialogue on the Incarnation, Catholic World, 206 (December 1967).
  39. Tillich, P., My Search for Absolutes, Catholic World, 207 (September 1968).
  40. Evans, D. D., The Logic of Self-Involvement, Theological Studies (Winter 1969).
  41. Djilas, M., The Unperfect Society, Beyond the New Class, Theological Studies (Winter 1969).
  42. Baltzar, E. R., God Within Process, Theological Studies, (June 1971).
  43. Cooley, Richard A. et al., eds., Congress and the Environment, Abraxas 1/2 (Winter 1971), 210-212.
  44. Randall, J. R., Plato: Dramatist of the Life of Reason, International Philosophical Quarterly, 12/1 (March 1972).
  45. Rosenthal, B. G., The Images of Man, International Philosophical Quarterly, 13/3 (September 1973).
  46. Natanson, Maurice, Phenomenology, Role and Reason: Essays on the Coherence and Deformation of Social Reality, Religious Education, 70/4 (July/August 1975) 456-457.
  47. McDermott, John J., The Culture of Experience: Philosophical Essays in the American Grain, in Process Studies, 7/2 (Summer 1977), 129-130.
  48. Cargas, H. J. and Lee, B., Religious Experience and Process Theology: The Pastoral Implications of a Major Modern Movement, in Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 46/2 (June 1978), 231-232.
  49. Weiss, P., First Considerations, in Religious Studies Review (1978).
  50. Weiss, P., First Considerations, Review of Metaphysics, 31/3, (March 1978), 495-496.
  51. Harned, David Bailey, Images for Self-Recognition: The Christian as Player, Sufferer and Vandal, in Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 47/3 (September 1979), 465 f.
  52. Kraus, Elizabeth M., The Metaphysics of Experience: A Companion to Whitehead's Process and Reality, in The Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 48/2 (June, 1980), 299. Also in International Philosophical Quarterly, 20/1 (March, 1980) 113-114. These are different reviews.
  53. Weiss, Paul, You, I, and the Others, in International Philosophical Quarterly, 21/2 (June, 1981) 211-216.
  54. Beggars and Prayers: Adin Steinsaltz Retells the Tales of Rabbi Nachman of Bratslav, in Religious Studies Review, 1981.
  55. Ross, Stephen David, Philosophical Mysteries, in Religious Studies Review, 8/3, July 1982, p. 263.
  56. Cua, Antonio S., The Unity of Knowledge and Action: A Study of Wang Yang-ming's Moral Psychology, in The Review of Metaphysics, 36/3 (March 1983), pp. 703-706.
  57. Of Judith Martin's Common Courtesy: In Which Miss Manners Solves the Problem that Baffled Mr. Jefferson, Alphonso Lingis' Excesses: Eros and Culture, Thomas J. J. Altizer's History as Apocalypse, and Edith Wyschogrod's Spirit in Ashes: Heidegger and Man-Made Mass Death, in Commonweal, 28 February, 1986, p. 117.
  58. Westphal, Merold, God, Guilt, and Death, in Faith and Philosophy, 4/2 (April 1987), pp. 221-224.
  59. Hall, David and Roger Ames, Thinking Through Confucius, David Weissman's Intuition and Ideality, David Kolb's The Critique of Pure Modernity, and David Tracey's Plurality and Ambiguity, in Commonweal 114/21 (Dec. 4, 1987).
  60. Hick, John, Problems of Religious Pluralism, in Journal of the American Academy of Religion (Spring, 1988), 56/1, pp. 162-3.
  61. Tracy, David, Plurality and Ambiguity in Ethics (July, 1988), 98/4, p. 864.
  62. Deats, Paul and Carol Robb, editors. The Boston Personalist Tradition: In Philosophy, Social Ethics, and Theology, in The Personalist Forum, 5/1 (Spring 1989), pp. 62-64.
  63. Kieckhefer, Richard, and George D. Bond, Sainthood: Its Manifestations in World Religions, in Philosophy East and West, 40/4 (October 1990).
  64. Lucas, George R., Jr. The Rehabilitation of Whitehead: An Analytical and Historical Study, in Journal of the History of Philosophy, 30/4 (October 1992), 629-631.
  65. Gordon D. Kaufman. In the Face of Mystery: A Constructive Theology. In Theological Studies (December 1993), pp. 752-754.
  66. Robert S. Corrington. Nature and Spirit: An Essay in Ecstatic Naturalism. in International Philosophical Quarterly, Volume XXXIV/4 (December 1994), pp. 504-505.
  67. Ninian Smart. Dimensions of the Sacred: An Anatomy of the World’s Beliefs. In Philosophy East and West, Volume 51/3 (July 2001), pp. 420-25.
  68. Thomas A. James. In Face of Reality: The Constructive Theology of Gordon D. Kaufman. In Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology, 66/3 (Summer, 2012), p. 339-340.


  1. "Foreplay," to Kuang-ming Wu's Chuang Tzu: World Philosopher at Play. New York: Crossroad Publishing Co., 1982, pp. ix-xi.
  2. To Tu Wei-Ming's, Confucian Thought: Selfhood As Creative Transformation. Albany, New York: State University of New York Press, 1985, pp. 1-5.
  3. To Rodney L. Taylor's, The Religious Dimensions of Confucianism. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1990.
  4. To Cheng Chung-ying's New Dimensions of Confucian and Neo-Confucian Philosophy. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1991.
  5. To Paul A. Bogaard and Gordon Treash, editors, Metaphysics as Foundation: Essays in Honor of Ivor Leclerc. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1993.
  6. To Joseph A. Bracken, S. J., The Divine Matrix: Creativity as Link between East and West. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1995.
  7. To Sophia Delza, The T’ai-Chi Ch’uan Experience: Reflections and Perceptions on Body-Mind Harmony. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1996.
  8. To Robert S. Corrington’s Nature’s Religion. Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield, 1997.
  9. To Paul Weiss, Surrogates. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2002. Pp. ix-xv.
  10. To Xinyan Jiang, editor, The Examined Life—Chinese Perspectives: Essays on Chinese Ethical Traditions. Binghamton, N.Y.: Global Publications, 2002.
  11. To Haralambos Ventis, The Reductive Veil: Post-Kantian Non-Representationalism Versus Apophatic Realism. Katerini, Greece: Epektasis Publications, 2005. Pp. 13-18.
  12. To Peter Paul Kakol, Emptiness and Becoming: Integrating Madhyamika Buddhism and Process Philosophy. New Delhi, India: D. K. Printworld Ltd., 2009.
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